Guaranteed Rent Program

Get Access to Your Annual Rental Profits Today

What is Guaranteed Rent?*

Guaranteed Rent is up to 12 months of rent payments, minus renter placement fees and/or property management costs, that are paid upfront to rental property owners. This offers landlords the opportunity to avoid the risk and ramifications of a tenant failing to pay or paying late.


How Does Our Property Management Guaranteed Rent Program Work?


First, let us know you’re interested.


Both the rental property and the residents must meet certain qualifications

Annual Rent

If approved, the property owner receives 90% of their total annual rent.

What are Property Owners Responsible for During the Agreement Term?


Maintenance and Ongoing Repairs

Rental property owners will be responsible for paying for any maintenance and ongoing repairs necessary within the unit.

Property M

Work with Renters Warehouse BW Metro

Property owners must work with Renters Warehouse BW Metro for their property management needs.

Not Selling

Not Mortgaging or Selling the Property

During the Agreement Term, property owners are not permitted to mortgage or sell their rental property.

Let’s Take a Look at an Example Transaction

Want to see what Guaranteed Rent looks like in action? Check out the following example transaction.

Monthly Rent


of the total annual rent
The total monthly rent that would be paid over a 12 month period is calculated
Upfront Rent


of the total annual rent
Property owners receive 90% of the total annual rent paid upfront in Month 1
*Rules and restrictions apply. Please call us for further details.

How Can Property Owners Benefit From Guaranteed Rent?

Guaranteed rental income gives rental property owners quick access to the profits from their properties. Some of the benefits they enjoy include:

  • Guaranteed rental income in the form of cash in hand
  • No risk of tenant non-payment or late payments
  • Access to a reliable cash flow without taking on debt


Fill in the form below and a member of our team will follow up with you soon.

*See Guaranteed Rent Transaction Agreement for complete terms, conditions, and requirements.