Rental Property Amenities, Increase Rental Value, Attract quality tenants with amenities

Renters Warehouse BW Metro | October 8, 2024

Top Rental Property Amenities That Boost Value and Attract Tenants

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Offering the right amenities can be the difference between attracting high-quality tenants quickly and watching your property sit vacant for months. Whether you manage a single-family home or a multi-unit building, understanding which amenities are in demand and how to leverage them can significantly increase your rental value and appeal to your ideal tenant demographic.

However, choosing the right amenities isn’t just about adding the latest trends—it's about making smart investments that align with your target audience and provide a solid return. In this blog from Renters Warehouse, we’ll explore the top amenities that can enhance your rental property’s value, discuss targeting these features toward potential tenants, and provide tips on balancing cost with potential returns. Plus, we’ll guide you on how to effectively present these amenities in your listings to attract the best tenants and maximize your investment.

In-Demand Amenities and Understanding Your Target Audience

Before diving into which amenities to offer, it’s essential to understand your target audience. The amenities that appeal to young professionals might differ significantly from those that attract families or retirees. Tailoring your offerings to your specific market helps ensure you invest in the right areas.

Let’s explore some amenities each of your target markets might enjoy to decide what to highlight in your property listing.

What Are Young Professionals Looking For?

Young professionals are typically tech-savvy, career-focused, and often live a fast-paced lifestyle. They value convenience, modern technology, and amenities that complement their work-life balance.

  • High-Speed Internet: In today’s work-from-home culture, fast and reliable internet is non-negotiable for many renters, particularly young professionals who might work remotely.
  • Smart Home Features: Technology-driven amenities like smart thermostats, keyless entry, and app-controlled lighting can appeal to tech-savvy renters.
  • Fitness Centers: If you’re managing a multi-unit property, consider adding or upgrading a fitness center. For individual homes, proximity to local gyms or including a dedicated workout space can be a selling point.

These amenities cater to the needs of a younger, dynamic demographic, making your property more attractive to tenants who prioritize modern conveniences and a connected lifestyle.

What About Families?

Families have different priorities when it comes to choosing a rental property. They typically look for spaces that offer comfort, safety, and convenience, making daily life easier for both parents and children.

  • Washer and Dryer: Families often prioritize in-unit laundry, saving them the hassle of shared laundry facilities or trips to the laundromat.
  • Safe Play Areas: If your rental is family-oriented, providing safe outdoor play areas or proximity to parks can be a big draw.
  • Storage Space: Families often need more storage, so walk-in closets, attics, or basements can add considerable value.

By focusing on these amenities, you can make your property more appealing to families who are looking for a safe, comfortable, and practical home environment.

An elderly couple having coffeeWhat Retirees Want

Retirees often seek a quiet, comfortable place to live that requires minimal upkeep. They value peace, accessibility, and low-maintenance living, which allows them to enjoy their retirement years without stress.

  • Accessibility Features: Consider installing grab bars in bathrooms, ramps, or other modifications that make the property more accessible.
  • Quiet Surroundings: Retirees often value peace, so highlighting the tranquility of the neighborhood or soundproofing your property can be appealing.
  • Low-Maintenance Living: Offering landscaping services or having easy-to-maintain landscaping can be a significant perk for older tenants.

Catering to the needs of retirees by offering these amenities can help you attract long-term tenants who appreciate the comfort and ease of living in their rental homes.

Cost vs. Return: Making Smart Investments

When deciding which amenities to add or upgrade, weigh the cost against the potential ROI. Not all amenities will directly boost your rental income, but many can enhance your property’s appeal, reduce vacancy rates, and justify higher rents. High-ROI amenities, such as energy-efficient appliances, might require a higher upfront cost but can be a major selling point. Tenants appreciate the savings on utility bills, and you can often command higher rents for eco-friendly properties.

Similarly, central air conditioning, especially in warmer climates, is often considered essential by renters. Installing or upgrading to central air can make your rental property more competitive.

Renovating kitchens and bathrooms usually offers the highest ROI, as these are the rooms that often make or break a tenant’s decision. However, it’s important to prioritize based on market demand. Not all amenities are necessary for every property.

For example, while a pool might increase value in luxury properties, it could be a maintenance headache with little return in a more modest rental. Additionally, consider the long-term benefits of some investments. Installing durable flooring or upgrading insulation might not have immediate aesthetic appeal but can save money on repairs and improve tenant satisfaction over time.

How to Showcase Your Amenities to Attract Tenants

Once you’ve invested in the right amenities, the next step is ensuring they’re showcased effectively in your property listings. How you present these features can significantly impact the number of inquiries you receive and the type of tenants you attract.

High-Quality Photos

Professional photography is essential to make your amenities stand out. Ensure that the amenities are highlighted clearly in your photos.

For instance, if you’ve upgraded the kitchen, the photos should emphasize the new appliances and countertops. If your property includes shared amenities like a fitness center or community garden, include images of these spaces to showcase the full value of your rental.

Detailed Descriptions

In addition to compelling visuals, detailed descriptions are vital to attracting tenants. Be specific in your listing descriptions. Instead of simply mentioning “modern appliances,” highlight that you have a new energy-efficient stainless steel refrigerator or a high-capacity washer and dryer. Tailor the description to your target audience.

If your property is family-friendly, emphasize features like safe play areas or proximity to good schools.

Virtual Tours

Offering virtual tours can further enhance your listing, giving potential tenants a better feel for the property and its amenities, especially if they’re relocating from another area. During the tour, highlight key amenities and explain how they enhance the tenant’s living experience.

Virtual tours can make your property stand out in a crowded market, giving potential tenants the confidence to move forward with their decisions.

Highlighting Benefits

When describing your amenities, it’s important to highlight their benefits, not just their presence. For example, instead of just noting that your property has central air conditioning, mention how it provides comfort during the hot summer months. If you’ve installed energy-efficient appliances or fixtures, talk about the potential savings on utility bills and the positive environmental impact.

These details can make your property more attractive to prospective tenants and justify a higher rent.

Someone holding a wooden house beside a virtual graphHow Renters Warehouse Can Help You Boost Rental Value

Investing in the right amenities can significantly enhance your rental property’s value and appeal, but it requires careful consideration of your target market and the potential return on investment. At Renters Warehouse, we specialize in helping landlords maximize their rental income by offering expert advice on property improvements and marketing strategies that attract quality tenants with amenities.

Our experts are well-versed in the Baltimore rental market and can provide personalized recommendations on which amenities will offer the best return for your specific property. We’ll also ensure that your property is showcased in the best possible light, helping you fill vacancies quickly and increase your rental income.

Are you curious how adding or upgrading amenities could boost your rental value? Get a Free Rental Analysis from Renters Warehouse today! We’ll help you identify the most impactful improvements and ensure your property is positioned to attract the best tenants.

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